The New Bolton Woods team have been making good progress over the last six months. Following the granting of planning consent for Phase 1 of the scheme a year ago, the main focus has been to get the first homes on site. We are pleased to say that this is now progressing well as is evident from all the activity on the site. Our delivery partners for the first 46 houses are Skipton Homes and these will all be fully built before the end of this year. They are available for sale now and can be viewed on Skipton Properties’ web site:

In terms of the wider masterplan the main focus of our work has been to prepare for making a planning application for the entire project in Summer this year. We have been delayed due to some technical matters but as with the first housing, we have still been able to make some delivery progress. This should result in early development of a new food store in the Local Centre and provision of a new, full-sized high quality all-weather sports pitch. Both of these could be completed by early next year.  The planning application is likely to be submitted later in the summer and we expect to present more details on the revised plans to the local community before the submission.